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Non Plastic Beach

Plastic free dental floss

Regular price £4.55
Regular price £6.50 Sale price £4.55
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Natural silk dental floss in a reusable/ recyclable glass bottle and metal lid combination.

Select from drop down whether you want to purchase refills or the dental floss in glass container.


Read this in a husky and suggestive voice: Silk… decadent and luxurious… We aren’t serious, we used silk because it is strong, effective and compostable (we know it says biodegradable in the title, but compost and dental floss don’t conjure good images together).

The floss is 30 metres in length and coated in minty candella wax which is plant based with no plastic in sight.

Inside the box we have a recyclable or reusable dental floss bottle with a metal lid which integrates the floss cutter.

The Box: Compostable or recyclable cardboard box, no plastic windows or coatings. the box is vegan friendly, you can make your own minds up on natural silk and your own personal ethics.

THE WHY? Dental floss is the most plasticky thing in the bathroom, the product itself is made out of Nylon or Teflon and and the box is most often Polypropylene., which can be recycled (but only into a lower quality item).

Dental floss is problematic in the marine environment as it has the potential to tangle and wrap round things. No dental floss should ever be put down the toilet (see also bamboo cotton buds), because it can catch in pipes and contribute to blockages. Even though our dental floss is silk, which will biodegrade, the timescale over which it does is too long for it to break down in the pipes. However, correctly disposed of it will break down over time and disappear to nothing.

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